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Boxing is a contact sport with rules order to ensure each fighter competes on an even playing field and to minimize the chance of unintentional deaths. The rules of boxing are designed to create a set of guidelines that govern the environment in which the fighters compete and set limitations on what they can do.
What Are The Rules Of Boxing?
1. Clinching
A clinch refers to the act of a fighter holding each other's arms or heads against their own body with the intent of restraining them. The rules of boxing prohibit the use of any striking techniques such as elbow strikes, shoulder thrusts, or headbutts while in a clinch. The clinch is a dangerous position because it allows both fighters to strike at will and is considered one of the most dangerous positions for a competitor in boxing.
2. Rounds
A round is a segment of the fight that is completed when both fighters have had an opportunity to strike any legal area on their opponent's body once. The rules of boxing require each round to last for three minutes or a maximum of ten non-stop punches being delivered by the competitors.
3. Weigh-In
The rules of boxing require all competitors to weigh in for their fight the day before the match. Each competitor weighs in front of a judge and witnesses to prevent any attempts at weight cheating during the fight. This is the most common way for boxers to gain advantages over their opponents because competitors usually lose a lot of weight during the fight.
4. No hitting below the belt
The game of boxing has strict rules against hitting below the belt which means striking an opponent in the groin area or any other body part below the waist. This can be risky for the competitor and the referee may disqualify a fighter if they do not discontinue striking after being warned.
5. No headbutting
The boxers are prohibited from delivering a headbutt or any of the techniques known as a "sleeper punch" during their matches. The rules of boxing consider these techniques to be an important part of the sport and their use of them can lead to a disqualification in the ring.
6. Knockdowns
A knockdown occurs when a boxer is knocked down by their opponent and unable to immediately continue fighting. The referee will call a knockdown when they are deemed too injured to continue fighting. If the competitor who is struck can show enough of an attempt at self-defense the fight can continue. After a knockdown, the rules of boxing require that the fallen fighter be given eight seconds to recover before continuing with the match.
7. Fouls
Fouls occur when a boxer uses an illegal punch or action during a match. Each foul has a designated penalty from the referee based on its severity. The most common foul that occurs often is called "holding" or "punching down". This refers to striking an opponent with the intent to hurt them and is considered illegal as it causes no contact. The penalty for holding an opponent is usually a warning from the referee while punching down has caused a disqualification that means the opponents will lose the fight.
8. Disqualifications
Disqualification is considered the most severe penalty that can occur during a fight. This occurs when a boxer intentionally breaks one of the rules of boxing or cannot defend themselves while hitting an opponent. The rules of boxing maintain that the referee will disqualify a competitor if they feel they are unable to defend themselves against their opponent. This often occurs when they are knocked down so many times that they are unable to continue in the match and gain little to no offensive opportunities during the play-out.
Boxing could be considered a dangerous sport, especially in the early 20th century when bare-knuckle fights were legal. The rules of boxing offer a level playing field for both competitors and are important to maintaining an environment where the fighters can compete safely.
Written by: Alice_daisy
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Starting as a beginner at boxing may seem daunting since there's so much to learn and do. This confusion regarding where and how to start is further enhanced by the various boxing montages that can be seen on various TV shows and movies. It is essential for a beginner to keep things as simple as possible to build a strong foundation that you can develop over time.
Decide where to train.
The first step includes deciding whether you need to go to the gym for training or are considering training at home. This initial decision is based on whether you want to train like an expert with professional equipment or choose boxing as a side hobby and can make do with little to no equipment you can acquire in your home. If you're talking about the former approach, you need to ensure that the gym is close to your residence or workplace and has the equipment that pertains to your specific needs. You can do this by visiting various local gyms and making a decision based on your personal preference.
Get in contact with a coach.
Secondly, it is exceedingly helpful to have a trainer who will guide you through the entire process and ensure that your technique and ability develop as needed. You can check whether the coach will be right for you by asking various necessary questions, such as their coaching philosophies. This insight will help you understand whether they will be the right fit for you.
Do your research.
If you're training at home and want to get the best out of your training, it is essential to research various aspects, starting with the initial forms, such as the boxing stance. A boxing stance should help you strike and defend yourself equally. Then, it is important to start small with right and left jabs and repeat them until you have perfected the form and the technique so that it becomes easier for you to build up from them in the future. In this stage, you can utilize various resources, such as video tutorials and books.
Remember to focus on footwork.
Another critical thing to consider, whether you're training at home or a gym, is that you need to focus on your footwork. This will help you to build a rhythm that can be seen in your boxing. Not only this, but it also helps you help you cover ground when you are trying to strike or are in the process of defending a strike.
Diversify your training.
You should also include a form of cardio and conditioning exercise, such as jump rope, in your routine, which will help build your stamina and improve your boxing. Having a diet plan that suits your body's specific requirements and fitness goals can also be a huge asset. Make sure you don't get too into the boxing part and start neglecting other vital aspects of your fitness journey.
Once you've followed all these steps, you can start boxing in no time!
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In taekwondo schools, they use colored belts to indicate that a student has progressed from one rank to another. The junior ranks are known as gup while the senior rank is known as dan, or black belt. Belt systems vary between different schools. However, the most common system uses only six belt colors: white, yellow, green, blue, red and black.
What Does Each Belt Signify?
White Belt
Every student must begin at this level. They usually begin at the 10th geup level. The color white is an indicator of innocence and this belt is given to the student the moment they enter the school. Before they advance to the next level, they must gain a yellow stripe in their belt.
Yellow Belt
This is the first rank that a student is promoted to. It signifies the sun and the earth. The two elements are necessary for growth and therefore serve as an indicator that the student is still growing. Half way between the yellow belt and the next belt rank, the student is given a green stripe.
The green belt is used to show that the student is still growing and has great potential for growth. At this stage, the student is unrefined and is still developing strength and growing into the art. Before they advance to the next level, the student will be given a blue stripe.
The color blue signifies the sky. The sky is the limit and students should aim to reach the other ranks. They are usually given a red stripe before they advance to the next rank.
This belt signifies the final stage of the junior belt ranks before the student advances to the black belt. The color red is associated with danger and it warns other students that the student is becoming a skilled fighter. When the student receives a black stripe on their belt it shows that they are half way up to reaching the black belt rank.
The black belt indicates that the student has reached maturity. They are given the rank of a first dan and are promoted from the junior ranks. From there, they can advance through the black belt ranks.
Other colors
Some schools include other colors such as brown, purple, and orange in the junior rankings. These colors are not widely used and only remain in the schools or particular association.
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In Taekwondo, a student must strive to perfect their patterns so as to win tournaments. The following are some of the tips that you could use in order to perfect the patterns:
1. You don't have to think of the patterns; the primary goal is to execute them. This therefore means that you have to learn your patterns thoroughly. You can further sharpen your skills by performing them on both your right and left side. It might seem like it is unnecessary but it is still essential.
2. Your every move should have power and conviction. Students may have a flawless technique but they do not execute it properly. For instance, a student may just stick out their legs and arms. This is incorrect because every move should be executed as if you were actually striking, attacking or blocking an opponent.
3. Judges look for a variety of factors in every competition. When they call out your name, you must stand up and answer loudly; not like someone who was forced to come to the competition by their parents.
4. In a competition, the most critical movements include the first and the last. Judges use this to determine which competitor is superior. If your pattern is longer than that of your opponent's, ensure that you pay particular attention to the final move of your pattern. You should also finish in the spot where you started.
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