Learn Fight
by on November 6, 2022  in Taekwondo /
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The philosophy of taekwondo is summarized and derived from the five tenets discussed previously. The good thing with the philosophy of taekwondo is that they are not just things that students learn and memorize from books. It is something that they can apply to their everyday lives. The philosophy of taekwondo was developed so as to build a world that was more peaceful. In order to accomplish this goal, it began building a foundation in the students.



Taekwondo is an art that strives to build personality, character and ethical traits in the practitioners. When each students is able to build these traits in themselves the goal of establishing a more peaceful world can be achieved. The principles, ethics and personality traits learned by the student can be passed on to others outside of the dojang. The philosophy of taekwondo was built on a foundation of good citizenship by incorporating the Hwarang codes of honor. Practitioners in taekwondo today also strive for the same ideals of ancient taekwondo. Students develop indomitable spirit, and achieve harmony of the mind and body through rigorous training.


Most people value the ability to perform technique and polish up on skills as the ultimate goal of taekwondo. However, taekwondo focuses on preserving energy instead of channelling it to destroy things and cave in fear. Instead, it advocates for self preservation and coexisting with others while preserving the environment. 


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