Learn Fight
by on November 22, 2022

In taekwondo, it does not matter whether you are male or female or what age bracket you are in, in order to be promoted to the next level. However, you must meet certain requirements at each level in order to be promoted to the next level. These requirements must be met under a test that is given by a panel of scrutinizing black belt instructors. Below is a discussion of the various belt levels and what one requires to achieve in order to be promoted to each belt rank.


Yellow Belt Requirements


In order to be promoted to this belt level, the students must be able to perform certain patterns precisely. The first form that they have to be able to perform is the tae guk il jang pattern. This pattern has a total of 16 movements. The movements represent heaven or when creation began. Techniques included in the form include, low, high and middle blocks, front and walking stances, front kick and middle punch. The taek guk il jang pattern is the first pattern in the tae guk form. There are other schools which require the student to be able to perform the palgwe il jang which is composed of twenty patterns.




The students have to show case self defense drills. These may include the basics of one step drills to block against throws, joint locks, kicking attacks or single punching. The drills may also include free sparring techniques stimulated by a combination of kicks.


Board Breaking

Even though not all schools require the students to board break, most of them require the students to do so. There are various techniques that students will be required to perform when breaking the boards. These include: forward or reverse punch, side kick, roundhouse kick, and front kick. The board is usually an inch thick and is made of pine wood.


Basic knowledge

The students will have to demonstrate that they are knowledgeable about taekwondo and its origins. They have to know the meaning of the pattern that they perform and the symbols on the Korean flag.


Green Belt Requirements


The students in this stage have to be able to properly perform the Won Hyo pattern which consists of 28 movements.




Students will learn how to defend themselves from holds. They will also need to learn one step sparring. The self defense techniques wil include but may not be limited to: crescent kicks, knife hand blocks, etc. The students should be able to defend themselves from hair grabs from the front, and from waist grabs from behind.


Board Breaking

The breaking techniques used in this stage include the jump reverse kick.


Basic Knowledge

The students have to display considerable knowledge on the history of taekwondo and ITA.


Blue Belt Requirements


Students have to show that they are knowledgeable of the Joong Gun pattern. This pattern consists of 32 movements all of which have to be executed flawlessly.




The student has to be able to defend themselves against the upright neck hold from behind. This is where the opponent has one arm around the defender's throat and is standing behind him. The students have to also demonstrate how they would defend themselves from a bent over neck lock. This is where the attacker has the defender's neck locked at the side of his hip. The students have to be able to demonstrate that they can break from this hold.



The student has to demonstrate that they can break the boards using an axe kick.


Basic knowledge

The students have to show that they are knowledgeable in the origin of the patterns, Taekwondo and ITA.


Red Belt Requirements


The students have to show that they are knowledgeable in the Hwa Rang pattern. This pattern consists of 29 movements all of which the student has to demonstrate flawlessly. They are also required to be able to do one step sparring, free sparring and multiple free sparring.




Students should be able to demonstrate excellent skills in defending themselves from the following attacks: club attacks, knife attacks, multiple unarmed opponents and against holds.



The students should show that they are able to break 3 inch boards using any kick.



Just like the previous ranks, the student is required to know about the origin of taekwondo and ITA.


Black Belt Requirements


The student must demonstrate knowledge in and ability to execute the Kwang-Gae pattern. It consists of 39 movements. The students have to also be able to perform multiple free sparring, two step and one step sparring.




Just like the previous red belt rank, the student has to demonstrate that they are able to defend themselves against holds, club attacks, knife attacks and attacks from several unarmed opponents.


Board Breaking

The students should be able to break 3 inch boards with any hand or kicking technique.



The students have to demonstrate they are knowledgeable in other martial arts, taekwondo and ITA.


Posted in: Taekwondo
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