Learn Fight
by on November 15, 2022

Introduction To Taekwondo Stretching

If you are studying or thinking of taking up a taekwondo class, it is important to know that stretching is an integral part of your routine becuse it reduces the risk of injuries. It should not be done like a warm up where you only do it before and after training; it should be done three to four times a week whether you go for your classes or not.

Stretching should be done a minimum of half an hour. Experts recommend that you perform your stretching routine everyday especially if you incorporate weight training into your exercise. This will allow your muscles a chance to repair themselves.

When doing your stretches, do not push your body beyond its limits; if it hurts do not continue. The aim is to improve flexibility and not to inflict pain to your body.



Posted in: Taekwondo, Health
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