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Male. Lives in Adelaide,  Australia. Born on January 1 Is single
by on November 12, 2022
9 Tips That Students Should Keep In Mind During Demonstrations All students taking part in taekwondo demonstrations are there to earn the highest possible score. In the previous section, some of the things that judges look at during demonstrations were highlighted but what are some of the tips that taekwondo practitioners can use to score points?   1. Your basic technique The first thing that you have to ask yourself is whether a certain technique would work if you were attacked. If in your mind you do not see how it will work, then there is no need to use it. Your kicking technique should be fast, powerful, and high. You must also portray confidence in your techniques by looking up and straight ahead. In addition, you have to listen to instructions given to you by your black belt.                                2. Poomsae You must know all your poomsaes because you might be asked to do any one of them. If you fail to show confidence in a poomsae, you will earn low marks or no marks at all. The poomsae should not be rushed. Take your time to display your stances and execute them with power. Your eyes should always look straight ahead. Most importantly, do not focus on other people. If someone makes a wrong move and you follow them, you also become wrong. It is better to fail for making your own mistakes than to fail by copying someone else.                                 3. One step sparring With one step sparring, it is better to pick five of your best techniques and do them over and over again. Start with the technique that you feel is the fastest for you then put the technique that you feel is the best second. This is meant to show what you can do. Your techniques have to be varied. The foot and hand techniques have to also be used evenly. If you are a new student, jumping and kicking techniques will earn you good points.                                 4. Self-defence Pick out some of your best self-defense techniques and stick to them. It would also be advisable if you tell your opponent exactly how you want them to attack you. Confused instructions will only earn you low marks.                                  5. Free sparring Your weight must be evenly distributed. You must always look directly at your partner. Looking away will make you less aware of their moves and will lose you points.                                  6. Flexibility You must be able to perform your moves smoothly. A side kick to the knee is likely to earn you more marks than a high section kick that does not have power. On the other hand, if you can do these two moves, you are likely to earn more points.                                  7. Your balance To avoid falling, keep your stance low and your weight evenly distributed on the balls of your feet. However, in the event that you fall, just get up and continue as if nothing happened. Making a scene or muttering only prolongs the entire event and will not reflect well on you. It is best to just learn from the experience and move on.                                 8. Your approach Taekwondo is all about discipline and respect. The way you approach the ring says a lot about you. You should bow respectfully and approach with seriousness. The poomsae that you are going to perform should be uttered clearly and confidently.                                   9. Forgetting your movements You might have prepared and practiced several times but pressure and circumstances might cause you to go blank. It would be a good idea to enter as many competitions as you possibly can in order to help you control your nerves. Even taekwondo practitioners at international level had to go through the same thing and with enough experience were able to get over nerves. If you forget your moves half way, it would be courteous to stop, bow down and request to repeat the routine.                                  PREVIOUS PAGE  |  NEXT PAGE
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by on November 12, 2022
Several different things are demonstrated in taekwondo. These demonstrations vary according to grades. Each grade has a certain combination of patterns. A variety of techniques are also included from the various grades. In order to illustrate the techniques and patterns, sparring has to take place. Board Breaking is also a part of the demonstrations. What therefore are the things that judges look for when awarding points during demonstrations?   1. Ki-Hap Ki-haping, simply put, is yelling in taekwondo. Many students have wondered how relevant ki-haping is since taekwondo is mostly a physical exercise. However, there are a variety of reasons as to why students of taekwondo ki-hap; some of them being to show the instructor that they are ready, to get rid of inhibitions, to summon energy to the Dojang, etc. In demonstrations, the main reason for ki-haping is to focus the mind, body and heart. Judges look at whether the ki-hap is coming from the inner voice and if the students actually mean it. Some students ki-hap because it is part of their routine.                                2. Stances Another element that judges look at is the stance. Stances are the basic elements of taekwondo and a lot of students overlook this fact. Instead, they focus mostly on the other complicated elements of sparring or poomsae. Stances are very important because they determine whether the technique will be properly executed or it will fall apart. Judges look at how close to the floor your stance is and if it is correct. A low stance gives better balance and allows for proper execution of a technique. Students usually rush through the techniques without properly demonstrating their stances. They would rather show off their speed than their stance; which is another thing that judges look at and deduct points.                                 3. Breathing Judges can easily tell if a student has control over their breathing when demonstrating a poomsae. Some students forget to breathe while others breathe erratically. This leads to poor technique and a lot of tension in the upper body. The power of a move comes from technique, speed and breathing.                                  4. Technique This is the most important aspect that a judge looks at. They look at whether you are able to prepare, execute, and recover. It is what separates a true martial artist from a mediocre one. Moves should therefore be closely analyzed by students during practice. They must understand basic preparations of the technique and how to recover to the original position. There has to be power in the technique and brute force should not be confused for speed. Every technique has to have controlled breathing.                                   5. Remembering movements The poomsae has to be very accurate without mistakes. Incorrect moves or forgotten moves during a technique will automatically score the student low marks or no points at all. Students have to practice and practice until the moves come naturally to them. There is no time to stand and try to recall particular moves during sparring. Therefore the moves must be executed concisely and precisely.                                   6. Taekwondo Spirit Judges look at your spirit. It is mostly reflected in the ki-hap and in the execution of the techniques. Every move should have effect, power and character in the process of being executed. Many demonstrations usually perform poomsaes perfectly but they do have personality or character. This demonstrates a lack of confidence and commitment to taekwondo.                                  7. Position and posture This goes hand in hand with stance. The back has to be vertical at all times during the demonstrations.                               PREVIOUS PAGE  |  NEXT PAGE
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by on November 12, 2022
Introduction To Taekwondo Demonstrations Taekwondo demonstrations can be used for a variety of purposes such as attracting and encouraging new students to enroll for classes or for sporting purposes. Martial arts associations or other taekwondo clubs may incorporate taekwondo demonstrations so as to attract new students. The demonstrations can be performed in a variety of places such as at university fairs, schools or at a carnival. Some clubs have been known to perform a variety of demonstrations in open places such as the city centre or the middle of town in order to grab people's attention and hopefully, get them to sign up for classes. A demonstration is considered to be successful when new students enroll for classes. This means that the demonstrations have to be appealing to the target audience. This means that each demonstration has to be tailored to exclusively meet each audience. For instance, what may suit university students may not suit kids who are in their early school going years.                                 History Of Taekwondo As A Demonstration Sport On the other hand, it has also been used as a demonstration sport especially in the Olympics. It debuted in the South Korea Olympics in 1998. It was welcomed by spectators because of its fancy techniques. During the time that taekwondo was allowed into the Olympics was also the same time in which women were allowed to participate in Judo. Taekwondo was recognized as an official sport in 2000 during the Sydney Olympics in Australia. Korea recognizes W.T.F as the official governing body for taekwondo in the Olympics. In the 1998 Olympic demonstrations, they included 16 different weight classes. The Olympic committee however limited the number of contestants by including only four categories of weights: fly, light, middle and heavy. Taekwondo demonstrations in the Olympics are largely composed of point sparring techniques. In 2012, out of the 345 contestants that entered the Olympics, only 24 qualified. The 345 contestants competed in Azerbaijan where four members from the UK were automatically put forward to take part in the Olympic Games. Most demonstrations consist of Korean commands that the competitors have to be aware of. The commands are taught in taekwondo schools and the pronunciation may vary. Other than in the Olympics, taekwondo was also accepted as a sport in the Common Wealth Games in 2010. PREVIOUS PAGE  |  NEXT PAGE
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by on November 12, 2022
If you are curious about finding a school for taekwondo classes, the following are some great tips that will guide you to find one: Look for a variety of schools that offer the classes. Each school has different styles and therefore you should choose the one that is comfortable for you. Once you have selected a few chosen schools, aim to attend different classes in each one of them. Visit the belt tests, the sparring classes and even the black belt classes. The main reason for this is because you want to see how the classes progress. There are some classes that become harsher as they progress. If you are planning on enrolling your child for the classes, it might have a negative impact on them. Your own safety is something that you should consider when you chose a school. What efforts do they take to ensure that their students are safe? Are there any warm ups or stretches? Learn the overall cost of the classes. Remember that if you do not plan on practicing taekwondo for many years, a cheap multi-year contract would not be suitable for you. Instead, you should go for the more expensive monthly contracts. This way, when you are faced with other commitments and you have to drop out, you will not lose so much money.                                PREVIOUS PAGE  |  NEXT PAGE
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by on November 12, 2022
Taekwondo is a form of martial arts that involves intense physical activity. However it comes with a lot of benefits. It improves physical fitness. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of strength training involved as well as cardio. This will improve your overall health and will help you to keep your weight in check. It is a lot of fun. When you join the taekwondo classes, you will get to meet many people whom you will interact with. The friendly fights are a good way of forming acquaintances as well as improving on your skill. You will be able to acquire an increased sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. You will no longer shy away from physical activities because you feel you cannot handle them. In addition, due to the fact that your body will become lean and toned, you will have a positive self image. Taekwondo teaches you self-defence and therefore you will be confident enough to fight off your attackers if faced with a dangerous situation. This technique of self-defence is especially useful to women and children since they are mainly targeted because they are believed to be weak and helpless. Taekwondo also demands great discipline. It will help you to build your character and will ultimately help you to cope with different situations that you may face in life. It promotes mental health by helping you to let off steam in a positive manner. When you enroll for the taekwondo classes, the kicking and punching will help you to relieve any built up anger and stress.                              PREVIOUS PAGE  |  NEXT PAGE
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