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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: February 22, 2023
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Forestville is one of the 10 member clubs of Basketball SA and has a strong tradition of success at both junior and senior levels. The club is based at the Wayville Sports Centre.
The club participates in the running of Basketball Australia's Aussie Hoops program, for players aged 4 to 10. We have one of the largest and longest running Aussie Hoops programs in the State.
Our junior program fields teams in the Basketball SA junior competition from Under 10s to Under 23 youth league. We focus on skill development and providing pathways for all players to achieve the highest level of success possible.
Our division 1 men’s and women’s team compete in the National Basketball League Central Competition (NBL1), and have a history of success which includes championships for both mens and womens teams in 2019. We also have teams competing in most other divisions of the Basketball SA senior competition.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
forestville eagles, forestville eagles sa
Fast Contact
142 Rose Terrace , Wayville, SA 5034
08 8231 7908
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