Page Info
Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 25, 2023
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A bit about me...

I love being outside in the sunshine, beaches and bushland are my zen place. I get very excited about cooking and growing produce from seed. 

If I’m not hiking and cooking eating, in my spare time, I’m op-shopping and my latest best buy was a tuxedo jacket with tails!

I live with my beautiful partner and adopted greyhound, both are an endless source of happiness

Why offer this photography experience?

Photography is a lifelong love. I’ve worked in lots of different areas of photography; commercial, family, weddings to name a few.  I particularly love these types of shoots, because of how powerful they can be – helping people to positively see and connect with themselves is incredibly rewarding. Also, I get to hang out with some seriously cool and inspirational people!

Local Business or Place
Business size:
photo, photographer, photography , photoshoot
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Adelaide, South Australia
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