Learn Fight
by on December 23, 2022

10 Essential Boxing Equipment For Boxing

Boxing has been around for ages, and to this day, it remains one of the most effective ways to get a full-body workout. There are countless places where people can find information about boxing, but within this guide, here are the 10 essential boxing equipments that a boxer needs.



1. Boxing gloves

Boxing gloves is very important for a boxer. The primary purpose of these gloves is protection, which is why they tend to look bulky and bulky compared to other types of gloves. Boxing gloves and hand wraps provide protection for the knuckles.


2. Boxing shoes

Boxing shoes are explicitly designed to simulate the impact of a punch. The foot is often the most vulnerable part of the body during boxing fight or sparring, so boxers need to protect it while they train to avoid getting hurt.



3. Running or Training Shoes

While wearing boxing shoes is recommended during training or sparring session, some people still prefers to wear running or training shoes since that is what they are comfortable wearing during training or running. Also, your boxing shoes will wear quickly if you use it during training session. Many people only wear boxing shoes during sparring or fight to make sure it has good traction and minimise slipping that can lead to injury.


4. Boxing Pads

Using a boxing pads is part of the boxing training that's why most boxing gym provides pads that people can borrow when they just started or when they forgot to bring their own. It's recommended to buy your own pads since hands get really sweaty during training. Boxing pads is used to practice boxing combinations alternately with a partner.


5. Speed bag

Many professional boxers use various types of unique punching bags to practice their punches, including speed bags and heavy bags. Both of these punching bags come in different shapes and weights. While speed bags are generally used for practicing punches at a fast pace to improve timing, heavy bags are usually used for practicing heavy punches to improve punches strengths and techniques.


6. Light/heavy bag

Aside from the speed bag and the heavy bag, many boxers also use a light/heavy bag to practice their punching power and accuracy. Many professional boxers have both types of bags, so they can alternate between using the two depending on what kind of punch they need to practice.


7. Skipping Rope

It's recommended to have a skipping rope in your training bag so that you are not sharing with other people. Skipping rope is always part of an endurance training that's why most boxing gym provides people a skipping rope that they can use during training. 



8. Boxing Hand Wraps

Wearing a boxing hand wraps under gloves is very important especially when you are at the beginner level. It's a protection for your hand when you throw high impact punches since it acts as a cushion for your fist. It also provides additional support and stability to your wrists reducing the risk of having an injury.


9. Mouth Guard

Wearing a mouth guard is a must during sparring session to avoid the risk of cracking or breaking your teeth. Mouth guard protects your teeth, tounge and gums.



10. Boxing Headgear

Wearing a boxing headgear or head protection is a must especially when you are at a beginner level. It's good to wear a head protection while you are still improving your boxing head movements and boxing techniques. Headgear protects your head since it reduces the impact of a punch.




There are many different types of boxing equipment for both amateur and professional boxers, but more than this gear may be needed when you begin to face more advanced opponents. To ensure your success as a boxer, speak with a fitness and good boxing trainer to get information regarding boxing training that will help to improve your boxing skills.


Written by: Lomia_K


Posted in: Boxing
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