Learn Fight
by on November 14, 2022

There are many reasons as to why relaxation and meditation is used in taekwondo. However, many experts believe that this particular martial art does not really emphasize the use of meditation and relaxation. Regardless of the belief, the following are some of the reasons as to why relaxation and meditation is important in taekwondo:


1. It helps to improve sleep patterns

Taekwondo involves a lot of physical activity. Students have to learn how to spar; they have to do strength training, among other things. Health experts believe that the brain is more active at night after an intense physical activity during the day. This might interfere with sleeping patterns and result in the student being moody and emotional the following day. Through meditation and relaxation, the student is able to relax the mind and have peaceful, regular sleep patterns.



2. Improves performance

When preparing for a fight, the fighter has to be able to make clear judgment of their opponent without being guided by emotions. Taekwondo requires the fighter to respond quickly to their opponents attack or defense without wasting too much time. Through meditation and relaxation, the fighter is able to make correct judgments and improve their overall performance in the tournaments.


3. It helps in training

In taekwondo there are many different patterns to learn and mastering them is not easy. It takes time and constant practice to be able to master each pattern. Many students may find themselves getting frustrated as they advance from one level to the next because the patterns become more complicated and difficult to properly execute. Frustration usually evokes our minds to "give up". With a relaxed and calm mind, a student will be able to practice, without giving up, until they can be able to perfect their technique.


4. Helps to deal with pain

Pain is another factor that taekwondo students have to deal with. The pain of strength training, the pain of being hit, etc. are all some of the things that a taekwondo practitioner may face every day when they are training. Students are expected to work past the pain and maintain a conscious calculating mind. This is not something that is easy to achieve but with time, it becomes easy.


Posted in: Taekwondo, Health
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