Learn Fight
by on November 12, 2022

Taekwondo Equipment And Uniform You Might Need

If you are new to taekwondo, there are a few things that you must have before beginning your classes. One of the things that you will need is a Dobok. This is a uniform that consists of pants and a top. These two pieces of your uniform should be loose and comfortable. This is because during the training sessions, your skin will need to breath. The Dobok's material will allow your skin to breath and will prevent you from overheating.


Sparring equipment and shoes are also necessary. Since not all training will take place indoors, you will need to have a pair of shoes with you. In addition, if your instructor decides that training will be done indoors, the flooring may give you blisters or if you have a problem with the soles of your feet, you might need to put on shoes. The sparring equipment is meant to provide protection for your body when you are training. For example during training, a turning kick on your opponents can kill them. Foot guards are especially recommended for sparring.



Training Tips To Protect You From Injury

Not only is taekwondo a method of self defense and a sport, but it is also a way of training the body and maintaining overall health. There are a few basic things however that you have to know in order to keep you going during your training and to prevent you from injury.

1. The first thing that you should do before and after every training session is to stretch. Stretching helps you to kick higher and also to have better control of your movements. There are three kinds of stretches: dynamic, relaxed and isometric. These three stretches will be discussed in another chapter of the eBook.



 2. Warm up before training is also another part of your training routine that is crucial. Warm ups help you to warm up the muscles and open up the joints in your body; making you more flexible. Tearing your hamstrings when doing an axe kick simply because you did not do a warm up is something that you would not want to experience. Cardio movements are very good for warm ups because they increase the heart rate. In addition, they help move the joints and opening them up.


Posted in: Taekwondo
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