@jdsanchez___ has progressed SO MUCH in the time he has been on the Braille Skateboards Team, but no trick has pushed him harder than the elusive 720! 2+ years of attempts, countless slams, and multiple road to 720 episodes filmed... this became a physical and mental battle that JD knew he would have to overcome in due time! Today is that day and the 720 has finally gone down! We are so proud of JD and all he is accomplishing on a daily basis! We hope you watch this video and get inspired to go outside and learn something on your skateboard today!Get everything you need to learn how to skateboard at https://brailleskateboarding.comDownload the Braille App here: https://brailleskateboarding.com/plus/For media or brand inquiries email kylie@brailleskateboarding.com
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