Learn Fight
on November 14, 2022 122 views
Trick Names That Everyone Gets Wrong
Check out Doug's channel!
Everyone? no. But, I've seen plenty of people get in arguments over the tricks I've listed in this video, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, arguing over trick names is pretty pedantic but some people are into that kind of thing. I used to be a real stickler but not so much these days. Either way, I think it's good to know why things are named the way they are and why they make sense.
So, what are some trick names that people mess up that gets on your nerves? For me, I am not a huge fan of saying "fakie full cab" or calling kickflip sex changes "disco flips".
As always, thank you for watching and I will see you next time! :)
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Tags: Poway, Skateboarding, Skateboard, Skate, Skater, Sk8, Skating, Vilas Left, Kickflip, Heelflip, Trick, Tricks, Nike, Emerica, Toy Machine, Ollie, Nollie, Fakie, Switch, How To, Flip, Fight, VLSkate, Bail, Manual, Nose, Tail, Dolphin Flip, Stairs, Gap
categories: Sports
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