Saint Augustines Soccer Club
St Augustines Soccer Club was started in 1969 by a group from and representing St Augustines School in Salisbury. The pitch was set up across from the school on Ponton St next to the cemetery. It was to stay there until 1988 when it made a move to more purpose built clubrooms at Malinya Dr Salisbury Park.
St Augustines is one of the oldest clubs within the Elizabeth and Districts Soccer Association and has always been the breeding ground for talented young soccer players.
Current Adelaide United player Awer Mabil played his junior soccer with Saint Augustines and our club is credited on the scoreboard at each home game Awer plays – check it out next time you are at a home game.
St Augustines is a smaller club were all the members are made to feel welcome and take pride in being part of this well respected, great club.