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Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: February 24, 2023
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With a well-equipped workshop, we can offer accurate diagnosis and repairs on your vehicle, whether it is an engine management issue that requires the latest in scan tool technology, or an engine rebuild on a Mazda Rotary vehicle. Clutches and gearbox repairs are made easy with 4 hoists and the correct lifting equipment that allows safe and speedy removal of major components. Brake, steering and suspension repairs are also a large part of our daily routine. One of our staff has many years of LPG servicing experience so we can help and adjust your gas system to maintain optimal performance. We offer a wide range of service options from basic minor service to a full major service and tune on your car or 4WD vehicle.

Viva Auto repairs can also perform your new car log book servicing, using quality parts and the right oils so that we can stamp your log book and protect your new car warranty, and this is guaranteed to be done by qualified mechanics. We stock a range of Ryco filters, NGK spark plugs and Penrite oils for general servicing but we can source any part that is available if you have specific requirements. Mildren Automotive was an Amsoil distributor and we can still supply your needs in this department with a small range in stock, but the ability to have most lines here within 1 working day, sees us being able to meet the needs of most customers. ULX110 is a South Australian company, & the oil is produced here in Adelaide. Being the best mineral oil available, it offers unchallenged protection for your vehicle.

Local Business or Place
Business size:
car, repair, crash, garage, mechanical
Fast Contact
85 Brooker Terrace, Richmond SA 5033
(08) 8125 5981
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