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Roma Angelica
Categories: Sports/Recreation/Activities
Date updated: February 23, 2023
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All YMCAs in Australia share a belief in the power of inspired young people. This video filmed at multiple YMCA locations around the country, tells the story of why we believe in young people. And why we will stand up for them, and be guided by them. The YMCA of the Inner North East Adelaide (INEA) began life in Walkerville in 1956, as the RSL Walkerville Boys Club, located on Walkerville Terrace. The following year in 1957 the growing club became a YMCA. On 2nd May 1965, the Walkerville YMCA moved to the Smith St site and remained a branch of the Adelaide YMCA which then in November 2002, became a full member association of YMCA Australia. In 2013, we expanded to operate the Kensington Y on the Parade and in 2021 we relocated our Walkerville programs to Windsor Gardens (gymnastics) and Marden (Strength for Life) and operate across the three sites as the YMCA of the Inner North East of Adelaide (INEA).

As of 2023, all INEA YMCA sites have now merged with YMCA South Australia.

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inea ymca, inea ymca sa
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550 Churchill Rd, Kilburn SA 5084
08 8344 3811
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