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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: February 13, 2023
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Kyushin-Ryu Aikido is a distinctive, early form of Aikido that was taught to Kenshiro Abbe by Ueshiba in the 1940s before Sensei Abbe introduced it to the UK in 1954. It is our mission to preserve this distinctive, pre-war form of Aikido, which today remains a living history.

Our school also teaches Atemi-Ryu Jujitsu which stems from our Aiki Jujitsu heritage, with an emphasis on manipulating an opponent to expose the weak vital points of the body, and then applying devastating strikes. 

Our teachings can be practiced by people of all ages, sexes and body types. Based on full and natural body movement, our Aikido uses and exercises the whole body, mind and spirit. It teaches and develops concentration, flexibility, co-ordination, balance, speed, quick reaction, breath control, and tactical and positional awareness. It does not require physical strength or an aggressive approach.

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Fast Contact
The Greek Macedonian Social Club, 20 Kylie Cres, Ingle Farm, SA 5098
0402 454 503
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