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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: February 10, 2023
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I started Jiu Jitsu in 2007 in Adelaide, South Australia under Fabricio Mendonca and Gustavo 'Bomba' Toledo. I loved the martial art immediately and my love hasn't diminished in all these years. I began competing a few months after starting training and still compete to this day (in the black belt division since 2015). I also had 4 mma fights in 2009-2010 (1W, 2L, 1NC).
I was at Brazilian Top Team Australia for nearly 4 years until my coaches moved away from Adelaide. I received both my blue and purple belt in this time from Gus Bomba.
From the start of 2011 I continued my training with Leo Arruda at Arruda BJJ. This was a great time of development for me and I like to believe I trained very hard during this time, earning my brown belt from Leo Arruda in 2012.
My memories from this time are of hard training, passionate coaching and many interstate and international competition trips. I also began teaching a small group of students 3 mornings a week in the Adelaide CBD at this time.
I rejoined my original coach Gus Bomba in Queensland at the start of 2015. I lived there for 6 months and have many fond memories of my time training and helping coach the students at Gustavo's gym. I was honoured to receive my black belt from him in 2015 just before I left Queensland.
In 2016 I opened Adelaide Jiu Jitsu Academy in my hometown of Adelaide, South Australia where I continue to train myself and my students to this day.
Local Business or Place
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kg jiujitsu, kg jiu jitsu
Fast Contact
78 Kermode St, North Adelaide SA 5006
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