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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: February 8, 2023
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The Adelaide Wing Chun Academy opened its doors to teach Wing Chun Kung Fu to the people of Adelaide in 2013. The Academy was founded by Sifu Tony Psaila, Sifu Damian Rainer and Instructor Heath Gibbons. Sifu Tony and Sifu Damian have previously held a long term relationship/association with a large national wing chun organisation that closed its doors here in Adelaide.
The trio decided to open up their own Academy so both existing and new students in Adelaide could continue learning an effective system of self-defence and gain a deeper knowlegde of this amazing martial art.
The Academy follows the teachings passed on by Chu Shong Tin and Jim Fung, plus the continual evoloution from the head instructors' decades of knowledge gained from studying, exploring and teaching the Wing Chun system. Sifu's Tony Psaila and Damian Rainer are both recognised by the Ving Tsun Athletic Association Hong Kong as Sifu's of the Wing Chun System. They regularly travel to Hong Kong to train with Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin, and the greater Wing Chun family.
Local Business or Place
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the adelaide wing chun academy, adelaide wing chun
Fast Contact
St Luke's Hall 35 Whitmore Square, Adelaide, SA 5000
0438 891 562
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