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Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 28, 2023
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Hi, I’m Vanessa; the owner and Creative Director of Blush Wedding Photography!

BLUSH was born as a creative, all-authentic extension of a coveted fashion and product photography career, and for the past 6 years having translated our detailed commercial eye; our 'love' industry focus is absolute and our relationships and feedback continue to excite and all-consume us.

Our team has grown a little since 2016 beyond myself, my husband and assistants, into a small

hand-picked and equally enthusiastic team of pro photographers, and 2 full time editors.

We lean on honesty and confidence in our work, passionate for warm and soulful photos that are stylish, candid and playful.

Our studio is in Stirling (SA) and the door always open for a tea and chat to kick off what we also hope to become a lasting friendship.

But for now, congratulations and enjoy the start of a very special journey.

Local Business or Place
Business size:
photo, photographer, photography , photoshoot, studio
Fast Contact
Stirling, SA, 5152
+61 418 547 926
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