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Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 28, 2023
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Hi! My names TJ!  I feel most at home with a camera in hand and adore meeting new people. I feel like I am a little piece of everyone I get to know, and look forward to every new interaction.

I see photography not only as an art but a way to showcase others in ways they rarely see themselves. Capturing a moment of euphoria always makes me excited and you will often hear me squealing with delight when we hit that magic shot.

In my own time I love to be in the sun, staring at the stars or just about anything else that allows me to be connected with the Earth. I also love to travel, and I'm constantly inspired by other ways of life. I turned my hobby for imagery into a business is 2010 and have always found myself inspired by the world presented in front of me.

My friends describe me as their personal hype man, always making others feel the best they can be in any given moment.

I truly look forward to meeting you. 

This photo was taken by the lovely Angus Northeast (

Local Business or Place
Business size:
photo, photographer, photography , photoshoot
Fast Contact
Adelaide, South Australia
+61 431 519 309
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