Page Info
Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 18, 2023
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Vital Movement Studios is a place where people of all ages, shapes and sizes learn to dance, sing and perform. This is a studio where creativity, individuality and self-expression is encouraged and has a community of teachers, students and families who are passionate about performing arts. Our goal is to create a positive and happy experience for all of our students. We strive to nurture and develop talent, celebrate the achievements of all students and inspire a love and appreciation of all styles of dance and the arts. We are committed to providing a safe and positive environment in which all students can feel empowered, comfortable and free to express themselves.

We believe that dance is universal. It is not only for those said to have talent or potential, but for anybody with a willingness to learn, a creative energy to express or a desire to keep fit and healthy. Age, gender and shape are not factors that determine whether or not you can dance. So at Vital Movement Studios our main focus is to create a fun, positive environment to help students develop not only their technical skills and performance on stage, but also their self confidence and individual personalities.

Local Business or Place
Business size:
dance, studio, club,
Fast Contact
1056 South Road, Edwardstown, SA, 5039, Australia
0404 976 366
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