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Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 13, 2023
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At Shoulder Elbow Hand, we have a group of highly skilled therapists available to help with the assessment of any hand or upper limb injury or condition that may be impacting your life. Our therapists have extensive experience in the hand and upper limb field and are dedicated to helping you overcome your injury and improve your functional capability.
We offer treatment and management of any work related injury, sporting injury, degenerative disease such as arthritis, fractures, tendon and nerve injuries and other conditions relating to the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.
At our specialised clinics we have the facilities to create custom made splints for a variety of injuries. We also provide individualised exercise programs for strength and conditioning, in addition to hands on treatment to help you get back on track.
Our clinic locations provide an accessible service across Adelaide. We provide private rooms for consultations at all clinics, allowing a confidential, client centred approach to therapy.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
physio, therapy, clinic, elbow, shoulder, specialist
Fast Contact
196 Melbourne Street NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006
8356 8385
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