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Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 12, 2023
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You deserve to feel strong and confident, and any changes to weight and body shape should flow from changes to your health and fitness routine. Most ‘gym’s have this the wrong way around! Fat loss, increased energy and stress relief are wonderful side effects, but these should be the by-products, not the main event.
We don’t judge where you at in terms of fitness, health or weight. We are immensely proud of our community, as it’s one where nobody feels intimidated or judged.
And our trainers aren’t here to yell at you – we’d rather compliment and encourage you so that you leave walking a little taller.
So if you are looking to finally enjoy living in your body and start walking with confidence again, then give Box it Out a try!
Local Business or Place
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97 Regency Rd, Croydon Park SA 5008, Australia
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