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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 25, 2023
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If you enjoy the blue waters of the ocean you will have fun paddling with us. Regular paddles from Tumby Bay and Port Lincoln.
Blue Water Raiders Dragon Boat Club is a group of men and women with a passion for the Team work of dragon boating, and enjoying fun and fitness, on and off the water.
Our first taste of competition victory was in 2005, soon after the inception of our Club, bringing home Gold & Silver from our combined men & women's team at Masters Games in Adelaide.
Our Club now boasts of having a dragon boat based at Tumby Bay and Port Lincoln.
We have competed successfully in Masters Games at various locations. We have travelled to Broome, entering the Broome “Pearl Festival” Regatta and winning the Broome Cup. Paddled in the Ord River Marathon at Kununurra, a 57km paddle. Paddled 58km of the Murray River, Competed at venues in Adelaide, Mildura, Ceduna, Streaky Bay, Wallaroo & Melbourne.
Some members have gone on to represent State and Country, Nationally and internationally at Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Hungary.
Between our usual Tumby Bay and Port Lincoln training times, we try to paddle at different locations in various bays and coastlines around the Tumby Bay and Port Lincoln, we generally have fun on the water with endurance and adventure paddles enjoyed by everyone. We encourage the promotion of sport and fitness for all ages, and becoming involved in the “Be Active” schools program.
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blue water raiders, blue water raiders dragon boat
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Port Lincoln and Tumby Bay
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