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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Year established: 2019
Date updated: April 24, 2023
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Glenelg Yacht Club is new, having only been established in 2019.

But don’t let the fact we are a new club fool you… our members have a world of experience, with varied pasts such as commercial fishermen, long distance solo sailors, Sydney to Hobart “old hands” and much more.  It is not so much about the age of a club that makes it great, it is the members that make it special.

Many of our yachts have circumnavigated the globe, and the lessons learned from those experiences are a wealth which adds to the rich tapestry that makes Glenelg Yacht Club special.

Our members range from “I just bought it” owners right through to “I have been sailing for 60 years”.

It is this wide range of experience and the wealth of knowledge that comes with that experience that new boat owners and members find invaluable.

Glenelg Yacht Club has been described as “salt of the earth people”, who are always happy to lend a hand or offer some words of wisdom (whether you want them or not often!) to save you from making expensive mistakes.

Whether you are an old hand or a total newbie with a small trailer-sailer, you will always be made to feel welcome at Glenelg Yacht Club!Our inaugural Commodore was Robyn Greening, and with 40% of our membership being female… we not only believe in equality, we actually enact it!  This is not a “boys club”.

Local Business or Place
Date of foundation:
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glenelg yacht club, glenelg yacht sa
Fast Contact
Patawalonga Frontage, Glenelg North SA 5045
0412 494 567
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