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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 21, 2023
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At the Adelaide Soaring Club we train people to fly Gliders and powered Light Sports Aircraft (LSA). It just depends where your aviation passion lies. The club owns and maintains an excellent range of modern aircraft. Our instructors are second to none just like our excellent safety record. Whether you just want to experience the joy of a once off flight or you would like to learn how to fly, our fully qualified and friendly team will help you achieve your dreams of flight.
The Adelaide Soaring Club is located at Gawler just 42km’s north of the City of Adelaide. It is reached by road or rail in less than an hour.
For visitors, Gawler is also at the doorstep of the Barossa Valley, South Australia’s world famous wine making region.
The club has comfortable clubhouse facilities including a self-help kitchen, licensed bar, bunkhouse accommodation and showers / toilets.
Visitors to Gawler may find motel accommodation just a few kilometres from the field. There are also two caravan parks in the area.
Glider launching is by aero tow. We operate everyday except Tuesdays and Christmas day. Light Sport Aircraft are available for training on most Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Aircraft may be flown by rated members on any day unless they are booked for training.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
adelaide soaring club, adelaide soaring
Fast Contact
Gawler Aerodrome, 1 Ward Belt Road, Ward Belt SA 5118
08 8522 1877
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