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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 20, 2023
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If you are looking for a great way to get fit, meet new people, and have fun, squash or racquetball could be the sport for you. To get started all you need is a ball, a racket, and a wall (or four!) Your local squash centre can provide all of these for you.

There are approximately 40 South Australian clubs, recreation centres, universities and colleges with courts available for public use.  Use our Court Finder to find a great facility in your local area.

Most centres allow you to pay and play without signing up for a membership, and courts tend to cost $20 to $30 per hour for 2 people. Many regular players go on to join a club, which can provide access to competition, coaching, and a thriving social network.

There are many junior programs designed for school aged children. After school training programs are a fun, cost effective way for kids to get started. Junior squash offers improved fitness and skills for growing bodies with pathways for kids to extend as they become more experienced.

Local Business or Place
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squash sa, squash sa at tonsley
Fast Contact
6 MAB Eastern Promenade, Tonsley SA 5042
08 8276 4054
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