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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 18, 2023
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Riding for the Disabled Association SA Inc is a voluntary, not for profit, organisation providing horse riding and related activities as sport, active recreation and basic therapy for people with disabilities.
Through horse riding at RDA SA, people of all ages can enjoy a safe, stimulating, healthy activity. We are an NDIS registered provider. Riding for the Disabled (RDA) is a worldwide movement represented internationally by the Federation of Horses in Education and Therapy International (HETI), nationally by Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia Ltd. (RDAA) and within Australia by State bodies.
Riding for the Disabled was first incorporated in South Australia in 1972, when horse riding therapy was still in its infancy in Australia. RDASA became a registered NDIS provider when the program was rolled out in South Australia in July 2013.
Riding for the Disabled Association SA Inc (RDA SA) has 12 accredited centres run entirely by volunteers.
Local Business or Place
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riding for the disabled south australia port pirie, rdasa port pirie
Fast Contact
Anzac Road, Port Pirie, SA 5540
0413 006 846
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