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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 17, 2023
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Established over 70 years ago, the Nyroca property is an iconic South Australian property designed for horses, their owners and riders. In fact, two Melbourne Cup winners were bred on Nyroca, Galilee and Rain Lover! Having been in the equine industry for so long, it’s no wonder the Nyroca name is known across Adelaide. More than 12,000 people have learned to ride horses at Nyroca in the last 26 years alone, and another 13,000+ people have pleasure ridden along the countless riding trails.
Nyroca currently functions as a riding centre, an agistment centre and a farm. We offer the most premium facilities of any riding centre north of Adelaide. Our staff are highly experienced instructors and successful competitors. The property is safe with a friendly, helpful atmosphere. These qualities help us to make riding and caring for horses easier for you.
We teach English-style riding in dressage and jumping, standard horsemanship skills, and effective nutrition, care and management practices. Whether you’re simply looking to go riding, or you want to know all about owning a horse, Nyroca Riding Centre has all the facilities and expertise to put you ahead of the rest.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
nyroca riding centre, nyroca riding centre sa
Fast Contact
1255 Gawler-One Tree Hill Rd, One Tree Hill SA 5114
0425 861 169
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