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Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 14, 2023
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The Victor Harbor Archery Club was established in 2013 for the purpose of fostering, expanding and perpetuating the practise of Target, Field and Indoor Archery in South Australia. The club is dedicated to adopting and enforcing the regulations, conditions and method of play as laid down by Archery Australia.
VHAC is a socially active and family orientated club and strives to perpetuate a spirit of good fellowship amongst all archers.
The club is located on the Fleurieu Peninsula approximately 81 kms from Adelaide with our outdoor Target field set amidst a rural backdrop of farmland on a lush green oval, surrounded by majestic gums, providing a pleasing atmosphere to practise and compete in archery events.
2021 saw a dream finally realised when a combined Club Rooms and Indoor shooting facility was built on the Back Valley Road range, with money received from the State Government Infrastructure Project Grant Programme and the Victor Harbor Council.
This upgrade will provide more comfortable and flexible arrangements for VHAC archers and visitors. The upgrade of facilities is ongoing as we work towards becoming self sustaining with plans for solar energy to run lights and power , rainwater and gas for kitchen needs.
The VHAC is proud to have amidst its members, Pat Coghlan who was twice a World Record holder and is currently in the top 20 World Archery ranking list. He is a great source of inspiration both in the art of archery and in advising and supplying equipment through Pat's Archery store.
The Victor Harbor Archery Club invites you to join us whether as a new member, a beginner or a visitor.
Local Business or Place
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victor harbor archery club, victor harbor archery, vhac
Fast Contact
Cnr Inman Valley Road & Back Valley Road, Inman Valley SA 5211
0408 809 538
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