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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: April 14, 2023
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Kidman Archers, established in 1973 is located in Adelaide's western suburbs at West Beach. The Club's name originates from its time at its first home at Kidman Park High School.

On three occasions since its formation, the Club has had to move grounds due to property owners making changes to the use of their land. Despite this the Club has survived in order to address a continuing demand for an archery club in the western suburbs.

We have lush green grounds all year round that are dust-free, soft and cool under foot!

Located away from any main roads and hidden in a residential suburb amongst trees, it makes you feels like you are in a relatively remote location.

Local Business or Place
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kidman archers, kidman archers sa
Fast Contact
3 Woodhead Street, West Beach 5024
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