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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Year established: 1967
Date updated: March 17, 2023
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Our Club was the brainchild of Neville Gibbs and Colin Swanton, who with equipment borrowed from far and wide aimed to see if there was sufficient support for a Gymnastic Club in the area. It started of in 1967 with 24 members taking part with ages ranging from 6 years to 46 years old. Thus the Morphett Vale Youth Club was born in the Morphett Vale Institute (now called Morphett Vale Community Hall Inc.)

From its inception the Club has grown to be a very strong Gymnastic Club.  Because our growth was being stifled with the lack of room at the Institute, we looked for larger premises.  In collaboration with the Noarlunga City Council, Department of Education, State Government and Hackham East Primary School, a new Gym Hall was built at Hackham East Primary School, which on April 1st 1986 became our headquarters.

All of our equipment is Olympic standard consisting of Vaulting Horse, Vaulting Box, (hard and soft style,) Tumbling Mats, Safety Mats, Mini Trampoline, Power Trampoline,  Beat Boards, Trampolines, Uneven Bars (asymmetric), Balance Beams, Parallel Bars, Horizontal Bar, Double Mini (Power)Trampoline.

An army of competent, fully trained Instructors conduct instruction on the above equipment. In house instruction is an on going commitment by the Club with regular Instructor meetings to keep all abreast of the latest developments.

Activities the club is involved with are, Boy’s and Girl’s Gymnastics, Junior, Senior and Open Camps, Picnics, Leadership Training Courses, Team Gym and community service work.

Our Club is totally run by volunteer staff, a lot of attention is given to young members who wish to become Instructors, by fostering them in the art of Gymnastic tuition.

Local Business or Place
Date of foundation:
Business size:
morphett vale youth club, mv youth, mvyc
Fast Contact
Hackam East Primary School, Collins Parade, Hackham 5163
0419 326 204
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