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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Year established: 2010
Date updated: March 16, 2023
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Lil’ Adelaide Rollers was founded by two mums, Mama B and Lil’ Mama C, who wanted their kids (who themselves were already massive roller derby fans) to be able to have a go at playing flat track roller derby. Discovering that junior derby in Australia was almost non-existent; in August 2010 they decided to form their own junior league in Adelaide, South Australia. Since then, junior roller derby has quickly spread across Australia with leagues popping up in nearly every state.

Staying close with the grassroots philosophy of adult roller derby, the Lil’ Adelaide Rollers board is primarily made up of the parents and family members of our skaters to ensure that the league is run with the skaters’ best interests in mind.

We use the Junior Roller Derby Association’s (JRDA) system of assessing skill levels to make sure that our skaters are skilled and safe enough to play roller derby, whilst primarily using the Women’s Flat Track Derby Associaton’s (WFTDA) rule set. Unlike some junior roller derby leagues, Lil’ Adelaide Rollers is full contact just like the adults, although our skaters must go through rigorous skills and safety assessments before they are able to use contact in training to ensure safe and legal gameplay.

Local Business or Place
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lil adelaide rollers sa, lil adelaide rollers kilburn
Fast Contact
Kilburn Community Centre, 59 Gladstone Avenue, Kilburn SA 5084
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