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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Year established: 1930
Date updated: March 16, 2023
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A general public meeting was held in the Parish Hall, Blackwood on 12th May 1930 when it was resolved that a golf club be formed in the District and that it would be called the Blackwood Golf Club. Mr. Lachlan McTaggart offered a 10-year lease on a section of his property about 1.5 kms south of Blackwood and a legal arrangement for a peppercorn lease was drawn up and the Club was charged 1 shilling per year rental.

McTaggart’s course was closed in 1959 and the club moved to the National Park, Belair for the start of the 1960 season, but it was apparent that it was only on a temporary basis, and that other land would have to be purchased. On 6th May 1961, £300 was paid as a deposit for 100 acres at Cherry Gardens, purchased from Mr E Sanders for £7500. This is the home of the current course.

In 1986 Blackwood was the first South Australian golf club to admit a woman, in fact two women, as full members and in 2001 women were permitted for the first time to play in the field on Saturdays. The course has always been a top priority and the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st saw a complete revamp of the back nine including three new holes, major extensions to the clubhouse and increased provision for parking.

Today the Club is considered the most picturesque in the Adelaide Hills. Its warm and friendly atmosphere, beautiful fairways and greens framed with magnificent trees and foliage makes for a conducive environment for golfing and social interactions. Blackwood Golf Club has always been, and still is, a place ‘Where Challenge and Friendship Meet’.

Local Business or Place
Date of foundation:
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blackwood golf club, blackwood golf club sa
Fast Contact
611 Cherry Gardens Rd Cherry Gardens SA 5157
08 8388 2313
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