Page Info
Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: March 10, 2023
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WLAC is a small family focused little athletics club in the western suburbs of Adelaide.
The centre has been established since the 1970’s and is operated entirely by parents and family members on a voluntary basis.
Family is at the very heart of our centre, and our centre goals include: ensuring our athletes and their families enjoy the participation and friendships at the Centre, developing and improving the skills and performances of all our athletes, supporting our athletes who compete at higher levels and providing all our athletes with a safe environment and well-maintained equipment and facilities.
Athletes are able to learn and develop at their own pace and in some events they will compete with others of a similar ability. Each event is modified to suit the age of our competitors. All registered athletes participate in the centre’s awards for participation and personal improvement at the end of the season.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
woodville little athletics, wlac
Fast Contact
44 Drummond Ave, Findon SA 5023
0438 818 303
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