Page Info
Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Year established: 1968
Date updated: March 10, 2023
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The Clovercrest Swimming Club was founded in 1968. Club of the Year in 1987/88 and also 1990/91, the club is affiliated with Swimming SA, and is a member of Swimming Australia. This allows our members the opportunity to compete at all levels in South Australia, interstate, and overseas.
By joining our club you will become part of a team that provides valuable life skills such as time management, goal setting, discipline, friendship and teamwork. There is a training pathway to cater for swimmers who want to develop their competitive swimming from a junior to a national level.
We also offer training opportunities for swimmers who want to maintain their fitness for other sports. Becoming a member of the Clovercrest Swimming Club does not mean you have to stop swimming with other learn to swim providers (eg- State Swim Clovercrest or Paragon Swim Centre).
Our training pathway consists of 3 levels. This ensures our swimmers are provided with the most appropriate coaching, while setting achievable goals to progress. If you are committed and have the determination to succeed, our training pathway delivers exceptional results, both in the pool and in the open water.
Local Business or Place
Date of foundation:
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clovercrest swimming club, clovercrest swimming club sa
Fast Contact
438 Montague Road, Modbury North SA 5982
0403 325 151
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