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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: March 8, 2023
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Glenunga Cricket Club is community based and open to all Junior and Senior players of any skill level. As we are a community club, we don’t hold trials to join. But we do look for dedicated, friendly, competitive cricketers looking to play as many games as possible during the summer season. Several of our members also play in the Autumn and Winter T20 SACA competitions.

Seasons take place from around the start of September with Pre-Season training before the official summer season kicks off Early to Mid-October. Then finish up towards the end of March the following calendar year with finals being played of the teams that make it through.

Glenunga has a lot of teams, and we’ve become quite a popular destination for Junior and Senior cricket players. So spaces to play can be scarce. Registrations for Junior and Senior Cricket open up around the 1st of July in the middle of Winter, and they fill up in a couple of weeks. So best to start looking at signing up well before the seasons roll around or you can miss out on a spot.

Local Business or Place
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glenunga cricket club, glenunga cc
Fast Contact
70 Conyngham St, Glenunga SA 5064
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