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Roma Angelica
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: March 1, 2023
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Welcome to the UniSA Women's soccer club, we encourage players of all different skill levels, whether it’s your first time playing soccer or you have years of experience under your belt. Our club is affiliated with Football SA and over the years have competed in diverse levels including Division 1 through to Division 5.

Socialising is something we enjoy and encourage. This involves multiple events throughout the year, including our Season Launch and Presentation Night. We see our club as being part of a family and a way to share a game we all know and love. We strive to provide an environment that enables our members to be social while also have a competitive drive, make new friends, learn new skills, maintain and gain fitness, have fun and being part of an exciting club!

Local Business or Place
Business size:
unisa womens soccer club, unisa womens sc
Fast Contact
UniSA Magill Campus - St Bernards Rd, Magill SA 5072
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