Page Info
Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: February 28, 2023
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Fullarton Autos is a family owned business, offering over 40 years of experience in quality car repairs and servicing for all makes and models. We take pride in delivering a comprehensive service that offers all the solutions you need to get back on the road in no time.
Our team of trained and experienced mechanics can take on any job, large or small. We know how difficult it is to be without your car, so our aim will always be to return it to you as quickly as possible to minimise any inconvenience.
When you come to us for our complete range of car services, we promise you’ll be fully satisfied with what we offer.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
car, repair, crash, garage, mechanical
Fast Contact
257 Goodwood Rd Kings Park, SA 5034
08 8373 6999
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