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Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 31, 2023
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Why Hire a Birth Photographer?
“Those incredibly raw and heightened emotions that we experience during birth; whether it be love, happiness or sometimes even fear, are some of the most powerful feelings we might ever encounter and if those don’t deserve to be captured and frozen in time then I don’t know what does.”
Why hire a birth photographer?
Whether this be your first child or your fourth, I guarantee you giving birth is one of the most earth-shaking experiences we as humans can have. The range of emotions we feel, from the minute we see those 2 lines to the moment you lock eyes on your baby for the first time is enormous. Have you ever felt so happy, relieved or damn right terrified in your life? It is these feelings that you so quickly forget, when it’s 3 am and you are awake for the 3rd feed that night, when your now 5 year old still won’t put his shoes on (even though you have bribed him with chocolate and the iPad!!) or when your children are suddenly adults and planning a family of their own; what would you give just to feel an ounce of what you did when you kissed your sweet newborns head for the first time? And for me that is why. I want to remember everything from those moments, whether it be what the CTG looked like when I was in active labour, what my face looked like when I roared my third child into the world or how my husband looked at me and my baby in absolute awe of what I had just achieved. It is so rare to have your family moments documented and why not do it when it matters the most, at the beginning.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
photo, photographer, photography , photoshoot, studio
Fast Contact
Adelaide, South Australia
+61 481 457 810
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