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Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 23, 2023
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I want you to love your photos, but I also want you to love the day they were taken on. I work pretty consciously toward creating an atmosphere where you can relax, have fun with the bridal party, and enjoy a few intimate moments to yourselves in front of the camera. Creating the right atmosphere is step number one of great wedding photos.

Being able to spend a reasonable chunk of time in the morning chilling with both sides of the bridal party is a really important part of getting the feel of the day right. After a relaxed brew with the boys and a lazy champagne with the girls the dynamics of our group shift towards me being one of the bridal party, which leads to much more natural, genuine photos. It’s one of the reasons I really enjoy shooting full length wedding days. I don’t start early because I’m a huge fan of staged photos of guys straightening ties in the mirror (because I’m not) but I do love documenting a bunch of friends sharing a meal and having a great time together.

In the afternoon, there’s a time to feed the fun, crazy energy of a bridal party, and a time to take the couple away from the crazy and give them the space to enjoy a few intimate moments together. I work with the flow of the day instead of against it because it not only makes your day more enjoyable, but it leads to more authentic, vibrant wedding photography too.

Local Business or Place
Business size:
photo, photographer, photography , photoshoot
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5 Scott Street Stirling SA 5152
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