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Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 23, 2023
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You MIGHT find our images a little different from a lot of other newborn and family photographers.

Over the years we’ve discovered how important it is to keep things simple. To focus on the little joys, connections and moments. We don’t over complicate our images with props or fancy ‘things’ .. because quite simply, your newborn, baby, child and family are absolutely perfect – just the way they are.

For years we’ve been obsessed with simplicity and minimalism. Trying to find ways to ‘slow down’ this chaotic crazy life that is raising children, day to day life, work ….

Whilst raising her babies, Kate has dabbled in mindfulness, meditation and Buddism.

Inspired by an aesthetic philosophy in Zen Buddism

 known as Wabi-Sabi – which sees beauty in the imperfect, the impermanent, the incomplete – Kate’s style of imagery evolved into simple and timeless artwork – natural, organic, unforced portraiture … and finding a team of photographers with the same mind-set and vision as her, has been an absolute joy.

Together, we are driven to create images which capture the connection, simplicity, love, curiosity, chaos and calmness that is children and family life. We strive to create a beautiful experience where our families can relax, away from the distractions of everyday life, and take time to celebrate their small people, and this amazing thing called family.

Because …. try as we might …. we can’t slow it down.

Tomorrow they will have grown. And tomorrow again.

All we can do is capture TODAY, to look back on tomorrow.

Local Business or Place
Business size:
photo, photographer, photography , photoshoot
Fast Contact
28 raglan avenue, edwardstown, south australia, 5039
+61 419 809 570
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