Page Info
Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 21, 2023
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Hi! Welcome to Shutter Photography. Photography has been my passion since I was 13 years old – that was the year I received my first camera as a Christmas present from my parents. I can still remember forcing my sister to pose for me for the rest of the day! And no, she wasn't at all impressed with my new found 'gift'!
It wasn't until a few years later that I realised I wanted to be a Photographer. After leaving school I studied photography for a further 2 years in the evenings and worked as a Children's Photographer during the day. I always had the dream of owning my own company and knew one day I would make it a reality – but before that time came – I had to see the world
So in 2002 my sister and I packed our bags and headed for Europe. We thought we would last maybe 6-12 months, but we would go with the flow and see what happened. Five years later, I returned to sunny Australia and embarked on the next adventure of my life – Shutter Photography.
I remember picking the name Shutter at my second job in the UK, so that must have been around 2003. That would now make Shutter over 20 years in the making, and my passion and love for photography has increased every year – even when I thought it had reached its limit.
I finally went live with Shutter in November 2007 and haven't looked back. I love every minute of my job. I have two adorable little boys who pose for me at least once a week. I'm pretty sure Isaac's first word was "cheeeeese", followed not too long after with "no more photos mummy" x Got to love him!
Local Business or Place
Business size:
photo, photographer, photography, shoot
Fast Contact
9/543 Churchill Rd, Kilburn SA 5084, Australia
0404 211 342
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