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Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 18, 2023
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Carmel Vistoli, Principal of North Eastern Academy of Dance is well known in Adelaide for her involvement in many facets of the Entertainment Industry.
Carmel has danced and choreographed professionally in Cabaret, Theatre-Restaurant, Television, and has been involved in theatre-ineducation and film. For 10 years she was resident choreographer/Actor for the Bunyip Children's Theatre and is currently Life Member, President and resident choreographer for the Metropolitan Musical Theatre Company of South Australia Inc. As principal of the North Eastern Academy of Dance, Carmel has successfully run her Dancing School for many years passing on her expertise to her students in Jazz, Tap, Classical, Contemporary, National & Theatrical Dance.
Emphasis is placed on quality skill development, technique, discipline and self confidence, whilst maintaining a fun atmosphere. These skills are basic to not only stage performances, but once acquired are invaluable in every day life.
Pupils are accepted from the age of three years to adult age. Girls and boys have found their sporting skills greatly improved by the fitness, balance and co-ordination learned in their tap, jazz and classical classes. Confidence, self-esteem and communication skills are developed in class.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
dance, studio, club,
Fast Contact
Montacute Road, Campbelltown SA 5074 Bus Stop 22 immediately out front
0412 299514
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