Page Info
Pratik Chavhan
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 15, 2023
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Our Mission – Is to offer exceptional dance tuition, at affordable pricing, creating a family like culture, where students can learn and thrive. We aim to provide our students with the best opportunities, in one of the best facilities in Adelaide, and develop well trained, technical dancers, all in a Friendly, Positive, & Supportive environment.

First Lessons: We offer all first lessons FREE! So we welcome you to come along and try any of our classes in your appropriate age group, and see for yourself, what everyone Loves about GSD!

Student Ages: Troupe Age Groups go by the age of the student on January 1st 2020. E.g. If a student was 6 on the 1st of January they would be in the 6&U category.

Cheer & Pom Ages go by the age of the competitor on the 31st of December 2020. E.g. If you are attending a “Mini” age group, athletes must be 9 years or younger in the year of the competition, meaning if they are turning 10 within 2020, they must go into the next age group.

Recreational/Competition: GSD offers classes to cater for all! Either just for Fun & Fitness, or Elite Competition teams. Recreational (R) is perfect for beginners/Intermediate dancers, who work towards performing at our End Of Year Concert. Competition Teams (C) We do offer competitive dance and cheer teams, in all ages. Students are required to take part in extra lessons alongside their troupe/cheer training. We do not hold any auditions here at GSD, everyone is encouraged and welcome!

Local Business or Place
Business size:
dance, studio, academy, Club
Fast Contact
2/10 Endeavour Dr, Port Adelaide SA 5015, Australia
08 8240 4030
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