Page Info
Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 14, 2023
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Founded by Kirsten Burt in 2004, Pure Funk Dance strives to encourage, inspire and create dance. We are a family that brings dancers together through organized events, workshops, competitions, showcases, social media, charity and fundraisers. Our students and teachers share their passion to inspire others and to join us in making a difference in the dance community.
Our choreographers are experienced in teaching, performance and dance education in Primary and Secondary Schools. We provide a Pure Funk School dance program devoted to excellence in teaching and learning. We at Pure Funk have clearance to work with children and have a Child Safe Environment Policy.
The versatile dancers of the Pure Funk family come from a range of international countries and specialize in a variety of different styles such as Hip Hop, Lyrical Jazz,
K-Pop, Popping, Commercial, Contemporary, Heels, Vogue, Waacking and much more. Our team is experienced in performing for music videos, theatre, and live events. We also provide service for birthday party workshops, hens dance party workshops, private tuition, wedding dance routines & group private sessions.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
dance, studio, academy, Club
Fast Contact
Pure Funk Studio 35 Manton Street Hindmarsh, SA 5007
0450 010 955
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