Page Info
Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 13, 2023
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Who we are
We provide physiotherapy, massage, Clinical Exercise, and exercise and rehab to Semaphore and surrounding suburbs including Port Adelaide. We have one-on-one and semi-private classes and because our services are delivered by physios, you can claim them on health insurance with extras cover.
Why we're different
A "quick-fix" for your pain or injury might sound good, but over time is proven to be inconvenient, costly and ineffective in comparison to taking preventative measures. Our unique clinical approach, Results4Life, keeps you on track towards optimal lifelong physical health.
Our guarantee
We are committed to your satisfaction and delivering the very best in physiotherapy care, customer service and outcomes. If you are not 100% satisfied with your experience at Back In Motion, we will refund your money on your last session and deliver your next session free.
Local Business or Place
Business size:
physio, therapy, clinic, motion
Fast Contact
160 Semaphore Rd, Semaphore SA 5019, Australia
08 8120 4080
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