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Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 12, 2023
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Buddha Fit is an all-inclusive group fitness studio in Adelaide that provides tailored strength and fitness training programs and nutrition coaching to people of all backgrounds, experiences and ages.
Our head coaches have a combined 35 years’ experience in the health and fitness industry, with histories in competitive sport and body building, injury management and nutritional guidance. Their approach to health and fitness is to support and coach you into making healthy, positive and realistic lifestyle changes – Buddha Fit is not about fads and quick fixes.
BUT our coaches are only one part of the equation. It’s our community that makes Buddha Fit really special. Our members thrive on positively supporting one another, both inside and outside of the gym.
So, if you feel like you have tried every other fitness hub going round and still have not found your vibe – come to Adelaide’s original group fitness studio!
Local Business or Place
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Fast Contact
142-146 Ashley St, Underdale SA 5032, Australia
0412 670 832
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