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Pratik Chavhan(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Date updated: January 11, 2023
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At Fast Twitch, our hot yoga studio uses far-infrared panels to bring the same heat to the room that you may expect to experience in our infrared sauna. It is a dry heat that doesn’t raise the ambient temperature of the room in the same way traditional central heating does. This is good for two reasons.
Firstly, by the law of physics we all know that hot air rises upward. In a traditional hot yoga studio, central heating methods are often used and this tends to create a thick, oppressive heat that sits up the top of the room, felt most intensely during the standing postures of the class and when it comes to the seated portion of poses, it’s a lot colder down below. As our studio is heated using lightwave technology, the heat is more evenly distributed, with a lower all round temperature, making it far more comfortable to breathe and move.
Our Yoga Studio offers hot yoga, vinyasa flow, beginner yoga and stretch & mobility classes. Restore your body & feel rejuvenated with our recovery suite, utilising our contrast therapy (ice baths, hot tub), float tank therapy, infrared and steam sauna, red light therapy, compression boots and massage guns and BrainTap.
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270 North East Road, Klemzig, SA 5067
(08) 8261 1299
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