Page Info
Roma Angelica(Owner)
Categories: Local Business or Place
Year established: 1984
Date updated: April 21, 2023
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Skyhawks Aeromodellers Club started up in May 1984, with 4 founding members: Peter Melders (1st.President), Les Bollenhagen, Barry Handley, Keith Bancroft, and soon expanded to about a dozen core members.
The club was first situated at the Craigmore High School. With permission of the school the club flew there for approximately six to twelve months. Then they moved to Karbeethan reserve near Angle Vale and flew there for the next eighteen to twenty four months.
In this time they searched for land in the Playford area and found our current site which is second generation parkland.
The original flying area was on carpet and synthetic grass (from Memorial Drive) at the southern end of the paddock. The club name was created by Russell Bond, a control line stunt pilot who used to fly with us from Craigmore.
We have improved over the years to what we have to-day, with over 70 members, large grassed runway, an undercover area and club room facilities.
Local Business or Place
Date of foundation:
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skyhawks aero modellers, skyhawks aero
Fast Contact
Bentley Rd & Medlow Rd, Blakeview SA 5114
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